Well Why Is That???
- We're doing too many things way too soon for these children. They should be engaged in play. Here's an article from the Washington Post that goes into a little more detail about doing too much too soon. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2016/01/11/why-forcing-kids-to-do-things-sooner-and-faster-doesnt-get-them-further-in-school/
- We're not giving children a chance to be children. To play, to explore, to create. Here are articles that goes more into how we are not helping the development of our early learners.
- https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2015/11/24/how-twisted-early-childhood-education-has-become-from-a-child-development-expert/?postshare=5061453573673514&tid=ss_tw
- http://deyproject.org/
- http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2016/01/08/462279629/why-kindergarten-is-the-new-first-grade
- https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2016/01/19/kindergarten-the-new-first-grade-its-actually-worse-than-that/
- I currently love prekindergarten. I'm not tired of it and I keep wanting to try new things. Every day there is something new. Each child is so unique. These children are keeping me on my toes.
- I feel like if I stay in prekindergarten longer, I will better be able to understand children and then will know how to help kindergarteners or first graders.
I'm not saying that I will never switch grade levels. Who knows, you may catch me in 2nd grade. But as for right now. I'm not going to change anything. First let me advocate on behalf of prekindergarten and get people to understand the importance of play and then maybe I can move. But right now I'm needed the most with the "babies".